Anthropology Study Material Pdf Ias

The following materials will be immensely useful for both UPSC civil services Prelims and Mains. Some questions in Prelims have been asked from these materials.
If you like this post, please do share or leave below a comment. Hp 6515b Wifi Drivers. • 1: Culture • • • • 2: History and Culture through the Ages • • • • • 3: Languages and Literature • • • • 4: Religion and Philosophy • • • • • 5: Painting, Performing Arts and Architecture • • • • • 6: Science and Technology • • • • • • 7: Education • • • 8: Social Structure • • • • 9: Spread of Indian Culture Abroad • • •. First of all thank yuo very much for your service Sir,,,, But i have a query or may be confusion about i m confused about what to read for Arts and culture portion for Prelims as well as for mains And upto what depth i should read for this i found many notes very interesting.but the thing is, in some them they took me to very deep study like they are preparing for phd and some others are so shallow that they dont even cover the whole topic. So kindly suggest me and tell me, are these notes sufficient?.
You are giving best effort to those students including me who preparing for UPSC-Civil Service using soft materials for Prelims & Main examination. Your effort is NATION building efforts and also protect the tree which destroy for the purpose of papers. YOUR STEPS ARE ECO-FRIENDLY. GOOD JOB AND COUNTINUE.
Candidates opt of Civil Services not always due to the attraction of salary or perks. Though the private sector may offer better packages, the list of candidates who leave their cushy job to enter public service for a lesser salary is not small. Having said that, please don’t conclude that the salary of an is too meager. Salary of an IAS officer: 7th Pay Commission Recommendations The starting salaries of all Civil Servants (Group A) are the same (Pay Level 10). 7th Pay Commission recommendations are approved by Cabinet on 29th June 2016.
Now the basic pay of entry level IAS officers is Rs. Allowances like Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA) and Travel Allowance (TA) will be extra. The salary will increase as experience increases.
The basic pay of Cabinet Secretary is fixed at Rs.2,50,000. Total Salary = Basic Pay + DA + HRA + TA The above-mentioned figures are basic salaries. You may also be entitled to HRA, DA and TA. HRA would be 8-24% of Basic Salary. If you are getting official accommodation, HRA part won’t be credited to your salary.
DA would start from 0% after 7th pay commission recommendation. This component would be linked to inflation. But remember that DA had touched 107% of Basic Salary of government officers in 2015 and in future, the DA part would be significant. DA is revised on half yearly basis (January and July every year) depending on the inflation index (CPI). You will also be given Travel Allowance (TA) to meet various expenses related to travel.
Note: There was another component called grade pay in government officers salary before. Now this part is removed. Thus, it can be seen that the total salary of entry level IAS officers would be Rs 56100 + DA + House Rent Allowance + Transport Allowance. The structure and goes up to Pay Level 18. Understanding IAS officer’s salary structure: Based on 7th Pay Commission Recommendations A new Pay Matrix system is introduced by the commission, which contains as many as 18 horizontal levels to take care of fixation of pay on MACP or Promotion.
The vertical range for each of these 18 levels is meant for fixation of pay by providing annual increment. 7th Pay Commission has done away with the Pay Band – Grade Pay System (the first two rows shown in orange colour) which existed before. The previous pay bands are shown for comparison purpose only. The new Pay Levels are highlighted row-wise (1-18) from left to right in the above table. Within the same column, if you go downward, the pay for the next years are mentioned. • IAS officers are usually promoted every 4-5 years. • The IAS officers get two extra-increment (6%) when they are Level 11, 12 and 13.
• After the level 14 salaries of all officers are same. Pay Level for each rank The Pay Levels for each rank are as following: • Level 10: (1-4yrs) ASP/SDM/ Asst. HRA and Transport Allowance for Central Government Employees as recommended by 7th Pay Commission HRA @ 24%, 16%, and 8% have been proposed for X, Y and Z class cities respectively.
7th Pay Commission has also recommended for enhancement of HRA while DA crosses 50% and 100%. As far as Transport Allowance is concerned, there is no increase. DA @ 125% has been merged with existing Transport Allowance. 7th Pay Commission has done away with the Pay Band – Grade Pay System which existed before. Scales of IAS officers (Approx.) • Junior Scales (0-4 years) • Senior Scales (4-9 years) • ->Senior Time scale (4 years+) • ->Junior Administrative grade (9 years+) • Selection Grade (13 years+) • Super Times Scale(16 year+) • Above Super Time Scale(25 years+) Pay Scale, Pay Band, and Grade Pay: Before 7th Pay Commission Report was accepted IAS salary structure consists of different Pay Scales: Junior Scale, Senior Scales, Super Time Scale, Above Super Time Scales etc. Each of the pay scale further consists of different pay bands.