Aria Les Paul Serial Numbers

However, there were also some korean artist series strats made around 1995-1996 with no serial numbers, and many korean-made japanese market models had no serial. Pro ii did some copies of famous american guitars such as the fender stratocaster and the gibson les paul though it also did its own style of guitars. Well gang here it is the ultimate list on serial numbers from today to yesterday. Now I know there are a few yawning out there but think of those who do not know how. Learn more about Orville and Orville by Gibson guitars here.
Key people Jim Rosenberg (President) Products,, & guitars Website Epiphone is an manufacturer founded by Anastasios Stathopoulos, currently based in. In 1957 Epiphone, Inc. Animation Programs For Kids. , of was purchased by (CMI. This is the same company that bought in 1944) and given the name Epiphone, Inc. CMI took great measures to keep Gibson and Epiphone separate in different buildings each with its own management team. Epiphone was Gibson's main rival in the market prior to its acquisition in 1957.