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LAND AND SOIL RESOURCES • Humans through technology and institutions transform thingsavailablewithnature. • Resources are of two types natural and human. • Resources can be classifiedinthefollowingways – (a)On the basisof origin– bioticandabiotic (b) On the basisof exhaustibility– renewable andnon-renewable (c)On the basisof ownership– individual,community,nationaland international (d) On the basisof statusof development –potential, developedstock and reserves. • The oceanicarea up to 12 nauticalmilesfrom the coastlineis called territorial watersof a country. • The area upto 200 kmfromthe coastline in whichthecountry has the exclusive rights to exploitthe naturalresources is the exclusive economiczone. Itincludes territorialwatersin it. Exper Style Netbook Ethernet Driver. • Resource planningisthe techniqueor strategyfor the judicioususe of resources in a country.
Download Free Vpn For Iphone 4. • Sustainableeconomicdevelopmentmeans ‘developmentshouldtake place without damaging the environment,anddevelopment in thepresentshouldnot compromise with the needsof the futuregenerations.’ • Agenda21isthe declarationsignedin1992 atthe UNCED,Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.It aimsatachievingglobalsustainabledevelopment.Itisan agendato combat environmentaldamage,poverty,disease through globalco-operation. • Landsupportsnaturalvegetation, wildlife,humanlife,economic activities, transport,andcommunication systems. • About43 per centof the landarea isplain,whichprovides facilitiesfor agriculture andindustry. • Mountainsaccountfor 30 per cent of thetotalsurface area of the country.They ensure perennial flow of some rivers;providefacilitiesfor tourismandecological aspects. • About27 per centof the area of the countryisthe plateau region.Itpossesses rich reserves of minerals,fossilfuelsandforests. • Islandsare less than1 per centof the area of the country.They provide opportunitiesfor sea trade, tourism, and fishcatch. • Net sown area is over 80 per centof thetotalarea inPunjabandHaryana.Due to gentleslopinglandscovered withfertilealluvialsoilsandblacksoils,climate favours cerealcultivation,good irrigationfacilities, highpopulationpressure.