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'ANY IDEA WHERE I CAN GET A LABELED DIAGRAM?' We're just going to have to 'Wing it' Long read, better put the coffee pot on. (Oh and sum snacks!
I like Little Debbies, Lol! All that good(?) whipped fat, and sugar) The motherboard is shown as installed in the computer case. I will use this orientation to explain the various cable, (Wires) hookups We will be referring to the motherboard photo, and if you will scroll down, the motherboard layout as shown in an illustration. Let's go to the illustration, and refer back to the photo. Perhaps make it easy on yourself.
Open the above link in two windows. One window with the photo, one window with the illustration. 1) The white 3-pin connector at the top of the motherboard, and to the left of the Ram Memory slots, is for the Processor Fan. It is labeled CPU_FAN1.
(CPU = Central Processing Unit. Another term used is Microprocessor, or simply Processor for short) 2) The Berg connector to the right of the Ram Memory slots, (Top right corner) is labeled JLPC1, and is ONLY used by the manufacturer for board level debugging purposes. (Junction Low Pin Count 1) 3) The processor socket is labeled Socket AM2. To the bottom Left corner is a 4-socket hole connector, and whitish in color, JPW1. A 4-pin ATX +12 Volt power cable plugs in here.
General example of power cable, and respective connector, Note the Lock on the side of the power cable's connector, and matching Tab on the motherboard connector. The Lock operates like a see-saw on a playground. Squeeze the top in to release. 4) Below JPW1 is SYS_FAN1. This is where a computer case fan hooks up.
5) Look below the Ram Memory slots. There you will see 5 connectors labeled SATA1 through SATA5. SATA1 is for the Harddrive. SATA2 through SATA5 are for optical drives, and additional SATA harddrives. Bottom of motherboard come across from the Left side; 6) The front of your computer is the Front Panel. JAUD1 is for the audio ports in the Front Panel 7) JAUX1 goes to the PRIMARY optical drive, if there are two optical drives. (CD/DVD drive) 8) J1394_1 is for the Firewire ports on the Front Panel.
They will be labeled 1394, or similar. (1394a) 9) JSPD1: To my knowledge not connected. From Frankenputer; 'Newer ATI cards that have HDMI have a built in sound processor. NVidia cards do not and will have a connection on them to input the SP/DIF connector(either by a cable connecting inside via the card to an outside SP/DIF connector, or a cable connecting an SP/DIF header on a mobo to the video card. This is so that both the HD video and Sound are transmitted via the HDMI.' 10) JUSB1 has provisions (Contact pins) for hooking up TWO USB ports on the Front Panel.
So does JUSB2 JUSB4 through JUSB6 are for a USB port. One USB port for each one of them. 11) JFP1 is Junction Front Panel 1. Another term used is the Front Panel header. This is where the Power On switch, Power On LED light, HarDDrive activity LED light, and Reset switch, (IF used), hook up to from the Front Panel. Note the two rows.
4 pins across the Top row 5 pins across the Bottom row. The pins are numbered. The pins across the Top row are numbered EVEN The pins across the Bottom row are numbered ODD. Starting on the LEFT side coming across to the Right; Top row;, Pins 2, 4, 6, and 8.
Starting on the Left side coming across to the Right; Bottom row, Pins 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9. A) Pins 1 and 3 are for the HarDDrive activity LED. (Light) Pin 1 is for the Positive ( + ) wire. If the HDD LED is dim when the harddrive is active, switch the wires around. B) Pins 5 and 7 are for a Reset switch, IF a Reset switch is used.
If not No Connection. C) Pin 9 is N/C. Not Connected.
This is reserved for the factory to use. D) Pins 2 and 4 are for the Power On LED (Light) Pin 2 is for the Positive ( + ) If the PWR LED is dim when the computer is on, switch the wires around. E) Pins 6 and 8 are for the Power On switch F) There is No Pin 10. This is called the 'Key' Helps you orient the Front Panel cable's connector, to the Front Panel header. (JFP1) USB cables for HP's are usually Black.
Called cables because they have individual wires in them. Antamedia Bandwidth Manager Crack Download on this page. Each cable going to a set of two USB ports, in the Front Panel, for the USB1 and USB2 headers on the motherboard. A card reader will use a USB header on the motherboard, or two of them. The power cable to it is the same as used on a Floppy Drive, This power cable goes to a SATA harddrive, or a SATA optical drive, This is an example of a SATA data cable, and it's respective connector on the motherboard.