Grid Macedonia
BgNS TRANSACTIONS volume 20 number 1 (2015) pp. Macedonian Transmission Grid Capability and Development. Kliment Naumoski1, Elena Achkoska1, Aleksandar Paunoski2. 1 Electricity Transmission System Operator of Macedonia – MEPSO, Maksim Gorki 4, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia. 2 Macedonian Power. Macedonian Power System. Costruzione Navle Pdf Viewer. Grid facts and characteristics. ❑Transmission system (TS) comprises of 400 kV and. 110 kV transmission overhead lines and cables. ❑ Five 400/110 kV/kV substations connect the 400. KV and 110 kV networks. ❑ TS is connected with the neighboring systems via. Office Activation Code 0xc004f074 here. 400 kV interconnections.
400 kV cross-border electricity connections to provide missing link for EU’s East-West transmission corridor The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is boosting the regional integration of energy markets in the Western Balkans. The Bank is providing a loan of up to €37 million for the construction of the first electricity interconnector between and and the introduction of grid efficiency improvements to the infrastructure of, the Macedonian electricity transmission system operator. This project is part of the European Commission’s initiative to establish an East-West electricity transmission corridor between, FYR Macedonia, Albania, and, including the planned submarine cable from Montenegro to Italy, an important step towards establishing a regional electricity market. The grid efficiency components implemented by MEPSO will also ensure that the transmission of electricity is energy efficient and uses the best available technologies. Supporting crucial regional cross-border infrastructure and creating larger integrated energy markets increases energy security.
It is also one of the EBRD’s priorities in the energy sector of the Western Balkans. The Bank will provide a loan to the Macedonian Transmission System Operator AD (MEPSO), a joint stock company responsible for electricity transmission and power control in the country. The financing will support the construction of the Macedonian portion of the planned 400 kV cross-border electricity connection. It will be used to build the transmission infrastructure from the south-western Macedonian city Bitola to the Albanian border with a substation at Ohrid, and to implement grid efficiency components.
In addition, MEPSO will use the EBRD’s newly developed for the procurement of contracts to increase the transparency and efficiency of its operations. The project has received technical assistance from the (WBIF) to fund the feasibility study, the environmental and social impact assessment and preparation for the main design of the project. Separately, the is also co-financing the new project with a €12 million grant provided under the WBIF Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) 2015 funds. In addition, is providing funds to for technical assistance in MEPSO. “This is an important investment promoting energy security and the development of regional electricity markets.
The construction of the new line will connect the Macedonian electricity market, which is dominated by thermal power, to the Albanian electricity market, where hydropower prevails. This will improve the balancing of the two electricity systems, reduce operational costs and boost the use of renewable energy,” said Holger Muent, EBRD Director for the Western Balkans.