How To Install Winfast Tv2000 Xp Expert
Click “Download Now” to get the Drivers Update Tool that comes with the Leadtek WinFast TV2000 XP Expert driver. The utility will automatically determine the right driver for your system as well as download and install the Leadtek WinFast TV2000 XP Expert driver. Being an easy-to-use utility, The Drivers Update Tool is a. WinFast TV2000 XP. Composite Video in. Left Audio in. Right Audio in. AV Line-in Cable. Common package contents. Remote Control with Batteries. WinFast TV2000 XP. Hardware Guide/. IR Sensor Plug Software Manual. You should download and install the drivers from Leadtek's site. I have the Deluxe version of this card and it works OK in Windows 7 32-bit. But it still works better with Windows XP. My System Specs System Spec.

I have had this TV tuner card for a while in another system with with an ASUS MB. To get the audio working I plugged the audio cable from the TV2000 to the MB AUX1 connector.
In this Dell system I have now, there is no AUX1 connector, or if it is, it is a bit smaller than the standard connector and has 3 pins instead of 4. My question is 2 fold. First do I need to use this audio cable? And if so, any ideas on how to connect it to the MB? As a ghetto work around, could it be possible for me to splice a headphone plug to the end of the audio cable and plug the TV2000 directly into the line-in jack on the back of my system? Mcquay Duct Sizer Software Free Download. I'm hoping it's a software issue and that I will just need to set the proper input and output settings.
From the user manual it seems to imply that I need to use the cable to the MB. I thought/hoped that the card would pass the audio through the PCI bus? Miracle Math Harry Lorayne Free Download. To get a better understanding of the options available, here is the user manual on how to hook it up IF you have the proper MB connectors. Problem solved.
I took an audio cable (like the ones used to connect CD Drives to MB) and pulled out the wires from the molex (red,white and black), then cut off the mini jack plug from an old pair of headphones. Then spliced the two together, red to red white to white. I in each of the headphone wires there are other bare wires wrapped around the red and white, I wrapped these together and spliced it to the black ground wire of the audio cable. Then connected the audio output connector on the V Tuner card itself to the line-in and now I have sound.