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• • • • • • Fans of Breaking Bad followed in their favourite characters' lawless footsteps to get their hands on the show's premiere episode. Perhaps they were channelling the placid chemistry teacher turned drug kingpin Walter White's lead in risking prosecution to download the second half of season five's first episode at an unprecedented rate. Within 12 hours of American fans watching the episode - entitled Blood Money - half a million people had turned to the BitTorrent site to download it. Chess Books Pdf Torrent. Scroll down for video. Bad fans: More than half a million people downloaded pirated versions of Sunday's new episode of Breaking Bad in just 12 hours Thousands then shared the file and took to internet forums and Twitter to discuss their first taste of the final season. Data gathered by revealed Australia was the country with most 'pirates' with more than 80,000 Aussies downloading the episode.
Fans came a close second. Since AMC announced this would be the last season of the series, fans have been in an anticipatory tail spin to see what happens to Walter, played by Bryan Cranston in his final throw of the dice in the New Mexico drug game.
Not paying: The series, which also stars Anna Gunn, was downloaded the most by Australians C reator Vince Gilligan has promised plenty of twists and turns in the critically acclaimed drama's final eight episodes. Along with the usual high drama, Sunday night's first instalment also included a very touching tribute to a special fan. At the end of the episode the words: 'Dedicated to our friend Kevin Cordasco' came up on screen. Kevin, 16, had been a big fan of the series and was looking forward to the first episode of the mid season premiere. Sadly after a seven-year battle with a rare cancer, neuroblastoma, the Californian teenager died before he was able to see it. Touching tribute: Sunday's episode was dedicated to fan Kevin Cordasco, who after a seven-year battle with a rare cancer, neuroblastoma, recently passed away The courageous teen had met star Bryan and creator Vince on a number of occasions and the cast wanted to pay tribute to his brave fight. Kevin's mother, Melodie told that her son would have been overjoyed at the acknowledgement.