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GE LBIs available at The 'MASTR' Index of GE LBIs Hosted at Compiled by Mike Morris WA6ILQ Maintained by (No, LBI does not stand for 'little bits of information'). An LBI is a GE radio technical manual section. The term comes from the phrase 'Lynchburg Book (of) Instructions.' Lynchburg, Virginia has been the home of GE's land mobile radio division since 1958. The original prefix (up to about 1947) was GEI, for General Electric Instructions.
At that time they became EBI for Electronics (Park) Book of Instructions until 1958, which is when the plant moved to Lynchburg. DO NOT use the information provided herein to promote your eBay Auction (click, then email the site owner, see the bottom of this page.) Please read this introductory section (at least once.) Among other things, it tells you how to search the index.
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This web page is an index of the available LBI files here at There are over 1,700 files listed here, occupying almost 2 GB of server space just by themselves. Ghetto Gospel Ghetts Download there.
This collection was assembled by merging the personal collections of a number of fine folks plus individual donations from others, none of whom cared about public recognition. Despite that, here's a public 'Thank You' - you know who you are. This is one of the very few pages on this web site where individual donors are not listed - this is because over 70% of the LBIs were donated by folks that wanted to stay anonymous. Do you have a file cabinet full of LBIs? If so, please check out. Everything listed on the wish-list page is something that someone has asked for, or we have noticed is missing from the LBI master list. If you have one of those, please loan it to us.
I will put you in touch with a volunteer with a top quality scanner (look at any page noted as 'Full Page' for the quality of work that he does) who will scan your LBI and return it, and the resulting PDF file will be added to this page. And if you would like us to have us add something to the wish list page just drop a note to with a subject line referencing the 'LBI Wish List'.
Note that all I can do is add your request to the wish list. This web page, by itself, if printed, would be over 100 pages - and it's just the index. You can download a local copy of any LBI file onto your machine by just right clicking on the file link and select 'Save As'.
To view and/or print these files you will need. Depending on who scanned the files, some are not as good or clear as others. Sorry, but that's the way it is - all we can post is what we are given. The best results come from folks that loans us an actual paper LBI in good condition. In that situation we can use the top quality full-page scanner that has been made available to us, and produce the best image, as well as scan each schematic pull-out sheet as a single ultra-wide page. In contrast, folks that have a standard narrow single page scanner have to scan the wide pages in multiple scans that you will have to individully print and tape together (or use 'stitching' software to merge the individual scans into one wide scan).